Cherry Bullet (체리블렛)
Cherry Bullet is a South Korean girl band formed by FNC Entertainment. The group debuted on Jan-21 2019 with a single album "Let's Play Cherry Bullet".
Cherry Bullet is a South Korean girl band formed by FNC Entertainment. The group debuted on Jan-21 2019 with a single album "Let's Play Cherry Bullet".
Popularity ranking of members
Popularity ranking of groups
Which Cherry Bullet member are you most compatible with?
Full Music Video
체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) ‘P.O.W! (Play On the World)’ MV
체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) 'Love In Space' MV
체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) - 'Love So Sweet' MV
체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) – '알로하오에 (Aloha Oe)' MV
체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) - '무릎을 탁 치고 (Hands Up)' MV
체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) – ‘네가 참 좋아 (Really Really)’ MV
체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) – ‘Q&A’ MV
TV Music Show
Cherry Bullet, P.O.W! (Play On the World) (체리블렛, P.O.W! (Play On the World)) [THE SHOW 230328]
P.O.W! (Play On the World) - 체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) [뮤직뱅크/Music Bank] | KBS 230324 방송
체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) - P.O.W! (Play On the World) #엠카운트다운 EP.789 | Mnet 230323 방송
P.O.W! (Play On the World) - 체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) [뮤직뱅크/Music Bank] | KBS 230317 방송
체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) - P.O.W! (Play On the World) #엠카운트다운 EP.788 | Mnet 230316 방송
Cherry Bullet, P.O.W! (Play On the World) (체리블렛, P.O.W! (Play On the World)) [THE SHOW 230314]
Cherry Bullet, A Winter Star (체리블렛, 겨울 별)[THE SHOW 230314]
‘COMEBACK' 체리블렛 (Cherry Bullet) - P.O.W! (Play On the World) #엠카운트다운 EP.787 | Mnet 230309 방송
[Cherry Bullet - Love In Space] #엠카운트다운 EP.744 | Mnet 220317 방송
[Cherry Bullet - Love In Space] #엠카운트다운 EP.744 | Mnet 220317 방송