SIXBOMB is South Korea girl group formed by Pacemaker Entertainment on January 27th 2012.
SIXBOMB is South Korea girl group formed by Pacemaker Entertainment on January 27th 2012.
Popularity ranking of members
Popularity ranking of groups
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Full Music Video
TV Music Show
[Six Bomb - Your Village] KPOP TV Show | M COUNTDOWN 190110 EP.601
Show Champion EP.284 SIXBOMB - Hiccup Hiccup
[Simply K-Pop] Six Bomb(식스밤) _ HICCUP HICCUP _ Ep.327 _ 083118
Show Champion EP.225 SIXBOMB - Becoming Prettier After
Show Champion EP.223 SIXBOMB - Becoming Prettier After
(Showchampion EP.178) Sixbomb - Ten years wait baby
(Showchampion EP.175) Sixbomb - Ten years wait baby
[SHOWCHAMPION] 식스밤 - Step To Me (SIX BOMB - Step To Me) l EP.146